CMS Bid Boot Camp | A RISE Health Conference


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Save the Date for January 2026

The CMS Bid Boot Camp 

Transform Your Bid Process and Boost Your Plan’s Success

As the Medicare Advantage landscape undergoes significant upheaval with sweeping regulatory changes, including the Part D redesign, the new risk adjustment model (V28), and updates to the CMS Stars program, bid stakeholders face complex challenges that could affect member retention, revenue, and compliance.

Join product managers, actuaries, and other CMS bid stakeholders as they come together for an interactive exploration of timelines, critical steps, and strategies to optimize their CMS bid at the CMS Bid Boot Camp. Over 200 health care organizations have benefited from the vast knowledge that is shared at this boot camp. 

As the only conference in the market dedicated to covering the entire bid process from start to finish, you will leave with confidence in creating, updating, and executing your own CMS bid roadmap to set your organization up for plan growth year after year. 

Stay tuned for details on next year's event.

Who Should Attend

This conference is designed to bring together product managers and other CMS bid stakeholders, especially those involved in:

  • Revenue Management and Analysis

  • Actuarial Work and Risk Adjustment

  • Product Design and Development

  • Government Programs Compliance

  • Operations

  • Special Needs Plans

  • Medicare Part D

  • Formulary Design

  • Pharmacy Benefits

  • Quality and Star Ratings

  • Sales and Marketing

  • Network Development

  • Care Management 

Top Reasons to Attend

Your peers from around the country are signed up for the 2025 CMS Bid Boot Camp to:

  • Receive step-by-step guidance on how to build a competitive bid, even when budgets are tight 
  • Take home bid strategies for successfully managing the impacts of the Part D redesign 
  • Master best practices for a year-round process that will optimize your bid 
  • Understand how to analyze your market to gain a competitive edge 
  • Uncover supplemental benefits that enhance health equity and address social drivers of health 
  • Evaluate whether a special needs plan (SNP) is right for your market 
  • Examine how health plan revenues have already been affected by the new V28 risk adjustment model 
  • Dive deep into the Stars program’s new Health Equity Index 
  • Gain practical strategies for adhering to new CMS rules for supplemental benefits 
  • Walk away with a thorough understanding of the rebate reallocation process